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New to orienteering?

Not sure where to start?

We have all the information you need right here

Date Place Type
14 Aug 2024 Stirling City Urban Urban
21 Aug 2024 Alloa Urban Urban
24 Aug 2024 Ted Finch Sprint Relay Local

Looking to share transport to events? The club has a WhatsApp group to encourage lift-sharing; email the Secretary if you'd like to be added to the group. NB Not available during Covid.

What's On


See our events page for the next FVO club activity.

EXCITING! From 11-16 July 2024, the Sprint World Orienteering Championships are coming to Edinburgh. Come and watch the best compete at finding their way at lightning speed through the streets of Edinburgh. Find out more on the WOC website, where you can also volunteer to help - no experience required!

The inman family took home three medals from the OO Cup in France

Up for the (OO) Cup

FVO athletes were to the fore in two major multi-day events in France and Scotland, as the holiday orienteering season got into full flow.

23rd Jul 24   →

Grace in action at the World Championships in Edinburgh

Grace Grabs the Glory - Twice!

Grace Molloy turned in a pair of world-class performances to help Great Britain to a strong overall showing in the World Orienteering Championships on the streets of Edinburgh.

16th Jul 24   →

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FVOrienteers @FVOrienteers


FVO is a member of Clackmannanshire, Falkirk and Stirling Sports Councils. FVO has been awarded Charter Club status by Stirling, which shows that FVO is a well organised, safe club which offers structured activities

For the latest FVO news, sign up to FVOmail


Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. FVO is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children and vulnerable adults taking part in our activities, as set out in our Safeguarding policy. If you have any concerns at all please contact the club welfare officer, Hazel Dean or come and chat to Hazel at any of our activities.