What is an orienteer

by Gareth Bryan-Jones — 12th January 2012.

Victoria Hall Committee Meeting 2011-12-01

Item - discussing lets.

The Secretary/Treasurer reported that some lets leave the Hall in dreadful state - chairs and tables left scattered and the whole place left unswept and filthy. But one group was the best ever. Everything put away, floor swept, kitchen cleaned, and the place left immaculate. And a great night was had by all.

"Who were those paragons?" asked one Committee Member.

"Oh- they're called Orienteers", said the Secretary/Treasurer

"What are Orienteers" asked the C.M. "Scouts?"

"Aye, well, the're like one step up from the Guides", replied the Secretary /Treasurer with great authority(!!!) and hurried on to the next item on the agenda.

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