Croeso i Gymru

by Steven Scott — 30th July 2024.

Will Hensman was undefeated in M45 at Croeso Will Hensman was undefeated in M45 at Croeso

Athletes from Forth Valley Orienteers were in fine form over a week-long competition in Wales to come away with five medals, including two class wins in the Croeso Open Festival.

The quadrennial event forms the major holiday orienteering attraction in the UK, along with the Lakes 5 and the Scottish Six Days, although this was the first time the festival had taken place since 2016, with the last version falling victim to Lockdown restrictions, and more than 1500 runners were in action on a hilly set of courses in the Brecon Beacons

Will Hensman has had a frustrating 2024 so far, with injury wiping out his entire championship season, but he was back to his best to win M45L overall with five straight race victories, before withdrawig from the final race with the title secured.

Scarlett Kelly took the bold decision to move age ckass six months early, and raced in the Under 18 class. Sensationally,, she won each of the first four races, by a considerable margin, to take a debut title at this level. Esme Kelly was 3rd in W16A in Scarlett's absence, but had the last laugh in the class as she won the final stage after the unbeaten class winner picked up the wrong map at the start and had to run in the men's division.

There were two more medals in the Short course classes, as Lucy (W20) and Katie (W18) Hensman showed good pace over the week to take 2nd place in their class.

As well as a team at Croeso, there was a small local representation at O-Ringen in Sweden. With more than 18,000 competitors, this is the largest multi-stage event in the world, and the level of talent on show means it's tough to get a top placing.

Roger Goddard was the best placed of the local quintet, as a 22nd place (51.41) in the final race brought him up into 30th position in H50. Natasha Conway was in the top half in F50, while Neil Conway had two placings in the top 100 in H55. Dawn Goddard was also in action, in a class that wasn't scored overall.

Jamie Goddard raced for a student team, and had the best placing in a round of any FVO athlete, 17th (30.53) on day 2, as he finished up 35th of nearly 150 participants in H20.

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