Equity Policy

/clubadmin/policy/code-conduct-parents-carers/Effective from 1st September 2004

FVO has adopted as club policy the following BOF Equity Policy, and has committed itself to meeting the relevant standards.

BOF Equity Policy

The British Orienteering Federation has an ongoing commitment to treating all people fairly. No participant, volunteer, employee or job applicant will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, creed, colour, disability, ethnic origin, gender, marital status, sexuality or social class or be placed at a disadvantage by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be relevant to performance.

The Federation recognises its legal obligations under

  • Equal Pay Act 1970
  • Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
  • The Sex Discrimination Acts 1975 and 1986
  • The Race Relations Act 1976
  • Equal Value Amendment Regulations 1983
  • The Disability Discrimination Act 1995
  • Human Rights Act 1998
  • Employment Protection (Consolidation) Act

The Federation will

  • adopt a planned approach to eliminating barriers which create discrimination
  • give clear guidance to individuals working within the Federation on the commitment to equity
  • promote this policy to all staff and members of the Federation
  • promote personal development for all participants and workers to support their progress within the Federation and, where appropriate, provide specialised facilities, equipment and individual training
  • continuously monitor and review the Federation’s selection criteria and procedures in relation to participation and employment to ensure people are treated solely on the basis of merits and abilities which are appropriate to the position
  • adopt a planned approach to taking positive action towards groups which are currently underrepresented in the Federation’s workforce, membership, and orienteering in general

The overall responsibility for monitoring and evaluation of equity in the Federation will be with the Management Committee, who may delegate any part of the role to an appropriate individual or group. The Federation regards discrimination, harassment or victimisation as serious misconduct, which is likely to bring the Federation into disrepute. Thus, any complaint on any of these grounds by employees will be dealt with under the Federation’s Disciplinary Rules and Procedures. Any complaint on any of these grounds by any other will be dealt with under Bye-Law 1 of the Federation’s Articles of Association.


Direct Discrimination: the treatment of one person less favourably than another would be in similar circumstances

Indirect Discrimination: the implementation of requirements or conditions, which, whilst applied equally to all, have the effect of putting some individuals or groups at a disadvantage, and cannot be objectively justified on the grounds of relevance to the proper performance of the activity involved.

Harassment: actions or comments that cause persistent offence to a person or group.

Victimisation: the treatment of someone less favourably than others because s/he has taken action against the Federation or individuals under one of the relevant acts (as previously outlined), or provided information about such discrimination.

Workers: any individual, voluntary or paid, working within or on behalf of the Federation, or its affiliated associations and clubs