Coxet Hill & Torbrex Urban Relay

Date Start Place OS Grid ref Type
1 Oct 2023 11 a.m. Coxet Hill, Stirling NS 790 912 Urban

Further Information

Entries now open

Another FVO birthday event! Come and visit the location where the club was founded 50 years ago. Ted Finch, one of the founding fathers and international orienteering controller, is organising a unique Ad Hoc Relay format for all the ages..

Enter the course you want to run (if you are old enough you can run any of the courses), the organiser will assemble teams from the entries which will be allocated on the night. The aim will be for the teams to be as closely matched as possible with a mass start so it should be a close finish. If you've never run a relay before or don't like the pressure because they are always at championship events - this is your chance, because its just some silly fun to celebrate the club's birthday, and missed controls will have penalties rather than disqualification.

ALL competitors should arrive for 11am briefing before 11:15 start. Short course will be available for preview to competitors/parents/shadows.

Short ~ 1.5km Urban: park and pavement. Open to any age - shadowers permitted. Medium ~ 3km Urban: park and pavement with marshalled road crossings - must be 13+ Long ~ 4km Urban - unmanned road crossings so must be 16+. Note courses will contain loops so controls may be visited more than once, and other people on same course may not be going to the same next loop/control as you.

on Sunday 1 October 2023 being organised by Ted Finch GUARANTEED ENTRIES END: 28 Sep 2023 10:00AM FINAL DATE FOR ENTRIES: 1 Oct 2023 10:30AM