Daniel Stansfield Podiums for GB at European Youth Orienteering Championships
Daniel Stansfield was selected to compete for Great Britain in the M16 category at EYOC 2013 and reached the podium on the third and final day of competition. This is a serious junior competition with the top runners from over 30 nations competing in MW16/18. Sprint, long and relay competitions provide an experience of international competition.
29th Oct 13 →
FVO Dinner Dance
There are still tickets available for this year's Dinner dance which is on Saturday 16th November in the Victoria Halls, Dunblane. The evening will begin at 7pm with a drinks reception to toast our 40 years. We will then sit down to a three course dinner before dancing the night …
28th Oct 13 →
2013 and The Magnificent Seven!
Great news from the Forest of Dean where Team FVO have made it a fantastic seven wins in a row at the UK's national competition for small clubs, the Compass Sport Trophy.
This year it looked very challenging to retain our title, with a long journey to the final, a …
21st Oct 13 →